City of Toronto Policies and Documents
City of Toronto. (2002). Warrants for All-Way “Stop” Sign Control and 40km/h Maximum Speed Limits, (1), 1–27.
This policy outlines the warrants for All-Way Stops and the 40km/h Maximum Speed Limits. It is most relevant if you are following Path 1C or 3B.
City of Toronto Transportation Services. (2010). Summary of Traffic Calming Policy 2010.
This document provides a summary of the Traffic Calming Policy. The various components of the policy are otherwise contained in various Council reports and documents. This is most relevant if you are pursuing Path 2. It includes the full Traffic Calming warrant requirements and a number of other related policies.
City of Toronto Transportation Services. (2013). City of Toronto Road Classification System: Summary Document.
The Road Classification System provides a consistent framework for transportation and planning staff, Community Councils, the public, and other stakeholders. All roads in the City of Toronto are classified in this document.
City of Toronto Transportation Services. (2015). Proposed 30 km/h Speed Limit Policy, 1–10.
The 30km/h Speed Limit policy is outlined in this document. Our Toolkit includes all warrants related to this policy.
City of Toronto Transportation Services. (2016). Traffic Calming Guide for Toronto.
This guide was created as part of the Road Safety Plan for Toronto, and provides an overview of traffic calming, including when and where it can best be used, and what the impacts of applying traffic calming measures can be. It includes a description of different measures, their estimated cost, and details the process to request traffic calming measures in the City of Toronto.
Toronto Public Health Reports
Toronto Public Health. (2012). Road to Health: Improving Walking and Cycling in Toronto.
This report focuses on how active transportation can be used to improve the health and quality of life in Toronto. It is a good source of information about walking and cycling mode shares (the percentage of trips taken by a certain form of transport) in the Toronto context. It is one of a series of reports on building healthy communities through design.
Toronto Public Health. (2015). Pedestrian and Cycling Safety in Toronto.
This report provides useful statistics about the health impacts of collisions involving pedestrians and cyclists in Toronto. It discusses which groups are particularly vulnerable. Information is provided about the role that speed and road class play in collisions. This document provides important background information that can be used as part of your proposal.