TCAT is pleased to share the recording from its recent Mobilizing Justice workshop on the topic of Justice in Transportation: What is equity and how can it be used in transportation planning?
Developing and planning more just transportation systems is increasingly an explicit objective of many organizations. The questions of ‘What is just?’ and ‘What is equitable’? have been studied by many researchers, but how those questions can be implemented in practice by governments and community organizations is not always clear. A recent review by Mobilizing Justice members provided some clarity regarding common standards used for equity planning. The review analyzed how studies and projects have attempted to define equity and incorporate it into transportation-based initiatives, such as the distance that schools should be from major roadways as relates to the well-being of children, how household distance to bus infrastructure affects transportation-related social exclusion, or using surveys to identify what is a perceived safe cycling trip for cyclists. This workshop provided an overview of the literature review and valuable insights into common standards used for equity planning.
View the recording here: