For Nancy Smith Lea, director of the Centre for Active Transportation, the crosswalk issue comes down to an outdated way of looking at things that focuses on “moving cars as fast as we can.”
“Unfortunately safety is not trumping speed,” she said.
She points to a recent recommendation from staff not to install crosswalks at every TTC stop as another example of this conflict. The recommendation was made despite the fact that, according to the report, TTC bus stops without crossings “may encourage midblock crossings.”
Staff instead recommended a “network-wide review” to identify and prioritize midblock areas prone to collisions and come up with solutions.
“We understand that these things take time and they take money but just because there is an enormous problem doesn’t mean that you don’t do anything,” Smith Lea added.
“You’ve got to start somewhere.”
Read full article: Want a crosswalk in your neighbourhood? Good luck