The City of Toronto’s Bicycle Parking Strategy aims to increase supply of bicycle parking throughout the City, prioritizing areas of highest need. One such area of high need is at Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) apartment towers.
In 2019/2020, funds for bicycle parking were made available to the City of Toronto by the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Program. Due to time limitations on the funding, the shortage of bike parking at all TCHC buildings, and the high volume of TCHC buildings, the City commissioned TCAT to develop a systematic approach to identify areas of highest need in order to achieve a sustainable, efficient, and fair method for installing bicycle parking in both the short- and long-term, to develop and recommend the location and type of bike parking for shortlisted sites, and to consult with TCHC management and resident communities to ensure their knowledge and needs were considered in the bicycle parking installations.
TCAT’s role on the project ended on Mar 31, 2020 at which time we provided the City with a full report (below), and accompanying map, that describes the methodology and criteria used in prioritizing sites with highest need for bicycle parking, a summary of 15 short-term siting recommendations and installations, a summary of tenant feedback, and a prioritized list of long-term siting recommendations for all 325 TCHC apartment buildings.