On three occasions (2009, 2010, 2017), TCAT studied the local economic impacts (positive, negative or neutral) of removing on-street parking to install a bike lane and and to understand the role played by the travel patterns and attitudes of both visitors and merchants. The findings have disproved the myth that parking is essential to downtown small business. Read more about TCAT’s Bloor Street Bike Lane Economic Impact studies.
Two external studies have also been conducted on different Toronto streets, using TCAT’s methodology. The first (in 2014) was developed and administered by a Ryerson University Advanced Urban and Regional Planning Studio class on Danforth Avenue in the winter term of 2014. The second (in 2016) was developed and administered by volunteers of Cycle Toronto’s Ward 14 Advocacy Group on Queen Street West in Parkdale. More information about these studies can be found below.