Health Promoter, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Recipient of TCAT’s 2010 Active Transportation Champion Award
Last week the Toronto Bike Awards ceremony was once again co-hosted by the Toronto Cyclists Union and the City of Toronto. TCAT was pleased to hand out its second annual Active Transportation Champion award for an individual or organization that has worked to raise the profile of cycling or walking and its relationship to a high quality of urban life.
The winner of the TCAT award this year went to Paul Young, Health Promoter at the South Riverdale Community Health Centre. TCAT gave the award to Paul for several reasons:
- for his consistent efforts to articulate the links between health and active transportation
- for his work in the community, most notably with the drop-in bicycle repair clinic for low-income clients in South Riverdale and for establishing the South East Toronto Bicycle User Group that advocated successfully for bike lanes on Dundas East
- for his generosity with his time and open collaborative spirit
- for generally going over and above to raise the profile of active transportation in the public health community
Thanks for all you do Paul!
TCAT Steering Committee member Neluka Leanage presented the award to Paul. (photo credit: Yvonne Bambrick)