Director of Education, Toronto District School Board
“Removing the barriers to active transportation, investing in the infrastructure is so important.”
For Donna Quan, Director of Education at the Toronto District School Board (TDSB), it’s simple: movement matters. Physical activity not only builds a healthy body, it builds a healthy mind. Students who walk to school are more likely to be active throughout the day and research shows that active students perform better academically.
Safe facilities for active transportation to and from school would allow and encourage students to make connections to their own communities while they travel. Fostering a strong social fabric that increases youth inclusion in society. The TDSB is committed to increasing the amount of students who walk or bike to school. Last year they adopted a district-wide charter to promote, encourage and support active routes to school: The TDSB Charter for Active, Safe and Sustainable Transportation. Continuing with this commitment, the TDSB has launched an inaugural Bike to School Day on May 26th during the City of Toronto`s 2014 Bike Month.
It’s time for parents, families and citizens to join the TDSB in their commitment. We must ask our leaders to secure investments for active transportation infrastructure and remove these powerful barriers to everyday youth walking and cycling.