During the pandemic, cities around the world have seen record numbers of people taking to the streets on foot and on bike. Bike sales are booming, car traffic is down, and traffic collisions have plummeted. Amidst this crisis, active transportation is on the rise. Conversations are happening about much needed infrastructure. From quick build bikeways and slow streets to widened pedestrian zones. But what else are we doing to support, encourage and incentivize sustainable mobility? Join Share the Road Cycling Coalition and The Centre for Active Transportation for a conversation exploring what we should be doing now, and what should we be planning for, to ensure that walking and cycling continue to be the most desirable and obvious choice as we emerge from the pandemic.
The webinar will feature a presentation by Jessica Roberts, a principal at Alta Planning + Design who has been a leader in the Active Transportation field for nearly two decades. Jessica directs award-winning programs and projects that help people drive less often, and use active and shared modes more often. Her current research focuses on bringing the findings and methods of behavioral science to benefit the TDM field. She owns five bikes, zero cars, and a ludicrous number of shared mobility apps. Participants will also hear from Isooda Niroomand, a School Travel Planner with Green Communities Canada in partnership with Vision Zero Toronto. She has experience working in public, private and non-profit sectors in Canada and in Iran, with a focus on human-centred design.
This webinar is presented with generous support from Alta Planning + Design Inc.
Wednesday, June 10th @ 2-3pm EDT
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