When is CVUP115: Planning Active Transportation offered?
The course will start on the evening of Thursday March 22nd, 2018 (6:30pm-9:30pm). It will run every Thursday evening at the same time for 7 weeks until May 3rd.
Can I take the course if I’m not a current Ryerson student?
Yes! There is no requirement to be registered as a student at Ryerson to take the course.
Are there any prerequisites for the course?
No prerequisites are required for this course.
How much does the course cost?
The course costs $418.10.
Is there a particular type of professional background that is well suited to the course?
There is not a single professional background that the course is designed for. This is a choice made to reflect how decisions about the built environment of cities involve many diverse players. We anticipate that the course will be of interest to those with backgrounds in urban planning, urban design, transportation engineering, public health, community development and sustainability from the public, private and non-profit sectors. The Ontario Professional Planners Institute and the Ontario Association of Architects have both endorsed the course as a professional development opportunity.
What kind of skills will I leave the course with?
After the course, you’ll have developed skills in:
- Community engagement process planning
- Stakeholder Management
- Partnership development skills
- Data management and translation, specifically working with community feedback as data to qualify designs and inform planning options for walking and cycling projects
- Strategizing for different policy contexts
- Skills for evidence-informed decision-making (for example, bridging population level health evidence with local context to more accurately assess potential health impacts)
- Up to date urban design strategies and guidelines for walking and cycling
Who are the course instructors?
The course instructors are Car Martin and Mikey Bennington. Mikey Bennington is a health promoter with over 5 years experience in research and community engagement related to active transportation. Car Martin is an independent consultant who works in the field of architecture and urban design with a focus on participation and collaboration. Both Car and Mikey were part of TCAT’s Active Neighbourhoods Canada team and led participatory planning projects in communities across Ontario.
Is the course designed for seasoned professionals, or people who are newer to the field of active transportation?
Students will benefit from having some experience with planning, design or public health. However, the course is structured so that students can tailor their learning goals in relation to the content. This means that there will be great opportunities to learn for both those with years of experience and those looking to learn more about participation in the planning of active transportation projects.
Is the course being offered again next year?
Our intention is to offer the course again. As of now, we cannot guarantee that it will be on offer next year.
How do I register for the course?
You can register online, in person at the Ryerson’s Service Hub, or by mail.
Who do I contact if I have other questions?
Feel free to contact TCAT or Program Director Dalia Hanna, Program Director, Community Services if you have other questions: dhanna@ryerson.ca.